443.100 N4KHQ Repeater Dahlonega, GA

The 443.100 repeater is a GE Mastr II 110 watt repeater. The DTMF controlled power switch tore up several years ago and I have never fixed the switch. The repeater runs about 30 watts to the antenna. Brian Henderson (K1XY) recently help me install the a new weather station on the repeater. Black Mountain is 3750 feet in elevation and located 10 miles north of Dahlonega. The tower is 50 feet tall.

Coverage is shown above. The blue is a usable mobile signal. The gray area is usable mobil,e but you need to stop your vehicle. The repeater is a GE Mastr II - TxRx duplexers with two DTMF controlled power settings 25 watts and 100 watts. The repeater operates at 30 watts 99.9% of the time. The repeater also has a weather station and 734 will give the high, low and current temperature.
Woody's Lake looking north from repeater tower.
Black Mt. South East
YouTube Brian took from the top of lookout tower.

Repeater on Bench
Installing the Weather Station
Brian K1XY and Justin KM4HIC recorded a video of replacing the repeater antenna. The DB420 phasing harness was taped to the antenna's shaft. Twenty five years later the tape gave way and the harness was aligned with and touching the folded dipole elements. SWRs went through the roof and the antenna was reflecting 22 watts. We replaced the DB420 with a Super Station Master.

The following 5 photos are views from the 440 repeater tower
The photos are screen shots from a DJI Drone